Response to Da Ye’s Blog

Body Image

I agree with Da Ye’s blog about women being pressured to maintain the “perfect” image.  The idea of being “perfect” is different through everyone’s perspective, but people think that the ideal “pefect” is stick-skinny, thigh gap, smooth complexion, considerably tall, no body fat, etc. Most women are worried with their outer image, but the inner image is more important.  The physical image is just a facade and does not last a lifetime, but what is on the inside endures forever.  It is difficult to believe women will go completely under the knife to change features that God purposely gave to them.  A woman’s ulterior motive to be “perfect” and “beautiful” is overrated because every woman is beautiful in their own way. 

However, trying to maintain the “perfect” image is not a woman’s fault.  The way society views and influences people make women try to fit in. The modern role models set an example for “perfect” beauty because back then, “pefect” consisted of curves and natural beauty.  For any woman now it is difficult to accept their own image because the outer image is what some men are attracted to, but what is on the inside should be the most important.  Women try hard to maintain their outer image, neglecting trying to maintain their inner image.

Maturity Ages

People assume a boy and a man, and a woman and a girl, are different just because their age, but there is much more qualities and differentiate the two different age classes.

Father Son Campout

A boy is a male who is not considered an adult. A boy has the maturity of an adolescent and isn’t taken as seriously as a man. When a boy is growing up, he depends on the men in his life as his role models. A man is considered to be independent and no longer depends on people as much as he did as when he was a boy.  Going through the stage of growing up as a boy, he will make many mistakes and will learn from them that will benefit when he matures into an adult.  Boys are immature and do not take their manliness as seriously as a man does.




Girls and women are closely related because the qualities girls have, women also possess those too.  Girls and women are both vulnerable to men in this world and no matter what age a female is, there are always considered a target.  Girls are immature and learn a lot when they are growing up. It is a time of experimenting with boys and their life.  Most girls and women depend on others and females in general don’t really grow out of that stage where they are likely to be independent.



Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game

I came across the current event article pertaining to pageant contestants being disqualified for their sex change. Regardless of their sexuality, as long as they are female at the time, they are qualified to compete in the pageants.  It wasn’t their fault to be born a male, but wanted to be female their whole life.  I believe that their inner and outer beauty is all that matters, and the pageant administrators and conductors should not penalize the contestants for being transgender.  I was really ticked off people would even think once about a move like that because obviously it’s unfair to all the transgender women out there who want to compete in pageants.  They obviously have the beauty and talent to succeed, but their biological organs are restraining them from doing so.

Expectations and Assumptions

Typically, people in this modern society assume different genders have a set of fixed responsibilities and expectations.  Every person has unique characteristics that distinguish themselves from the others, and not all of those characteristics are masculine and feminine.  Some males may possess some feminine qualities and vice versa for females, but there is a an assumption for masculinity and feminism in society.

RF-Graphic-from-DrawShop-A-cartoon-strong-man-lifting-a-heavy-weight.-19173-35When people try to define masculinity, the first word that pops up  is strong.  Masculine people are portrayed to be strong, physically and mentally. Stereotypically, all men should be strong due to their physically, athletic body type. However, not all men are built athletic with broad shoulders, but that is the ideal man.  Men should also be the one to collect the income and support his family, without the wife’s help.  Men are expected to be intellectual in order to be successful in the modern society, hence there are numerous successful men more than women.  Men are assumed to lay down the rules in the household as well as in a business sense.  The children usually fear the father since he is assumed to be stricter. Men are assumed to be able to take care of himself, rather than depending on others.



PrintWomen in the society seem to be more dependent on others, especially their husbands.  Women are expected to take care of the children and keeping the house in check by cooking and cleaning when the fathers are at work making the money.  Women are more sensitive than men; therefore, people have to treat women carefully and delicately.  Women are the ones responsible for nurturing her children because she feels the attachment more than men.  She typically spends more time with the children than the husband.  A women’s main responsibility is taking care of her family including her parents and siblings.  One is able to see more female nurses than men since women are more sensitive and their duty is to take care of others.